About 40 Days to Loving Yourself

My name is Oskar and I am a transformational advisor and energy shifter! I believe we all have the power to change and transform anything in our lives! But the key is loving ourselves! Love is the most power force in the universe and it is all inside you waiting to put it’s loving arms around you and carry you home!

This blog is a journey into love. I woke up at 4am, one morning, with a clear understanding that I was NOT loving myself and then I fell back asleep. When I awoke for the second time it came to me that I needed to write a blog called 40 Days to loving myself. I knew that in order for myself to go forward and for me to light the way for others, love would have to be my guide, but in order for Love to guide me I would have to allow for it to be there.

This is my journey and in fact the journey of all of us. We did not come here to find our selves but to remember who we truly are. I am love and so are you. We are one.

As you read this blog you will awaken to your own beauty and joy. I am grateful for us to go together.

much love,


P.S. You can find out more about me on my website at OskarHealingTherapy.com.

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